Medical Reserch and Education ›› 2013, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (4): 54-59.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-490X.2013.04.014

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Qualitative analysis of children’s diets from a kindergarten of a community located between urban and rural areas in Baoding city

LIU Shufang,YANG Yang,YANG Yang   

  • Received:2016-10-09 Revised:2016-10-09 Online:2013-08-25 Published:2013-08-25

Abstract: Objective To know the current situations of children’s diets in kindergartens of rural-urban areas in Baoding and evaluate the nutrition quality, then supply scientiifc evidence for making nutrition diets which are suitable for kindergarten children’s physiological demand. Methods Through random selection of children’s diets from HuaYuanli kindergarten of rural-urban areas in Baoding HeBei Province, we analyzed the nutrition structure of children’s meals. We collected eight continuous weeks and once a week. Meanwhile, we evaluated the diet quality of these recipes according to the two guides which are Nutritious and Healthy Report of Chinese Children 2011-Develop Healthy Diet Behaviors and Promote Healthy Growth of Children and Dietary Guides for Chinese People. Results Kindergartens adopted three meals system at two times a day. Breakfasts were often included of two to three kinds of food-staples and soup, whereas milk and its products were just eaten once a week. Lunches were concluded of staples, stir-fry dishes and soup. However, they seldom ate plucks, seafood and dark vegetables. Dinners were similar with lunches, but contained fewer grains. Extra meals were based on puffed food and fruits. Conclusion The dietary system in this kindergarten is comparative reasonable.Breakfasts have rich nutrition, but lack enough milk and its products. The kinds of food are plentiful in lunches and dinners, whereas foods lack iron, calcium and vitamins. This paper suggests that kindergartens should make nutritious breakfasts, rich lunches and reasonable dinners. Meanwhile, the scientiifc extra meals are also very important.

Key words: rural-urban areas, kindergarten, qualitative analysis of children’s diets

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