医学研究与教育 ›› 2014, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (4): 38-42.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-490X.2014.04.010

• 疾病预防控制 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1.易县疾病预防控制中心,河北 易县,074299
    2.易县妇幼保健院,河北 易县,074299
    3.易县医院,河北 易县,074299
    4.保定市疾病预防控制中心,河北 保定,071000
  • 收稿日期:2016-09-29 修回日期:2016-09-29 出版日期:2014-08-25 发布日期:2014-08-25

Analysis on iodine content in drinking water and iodine nutrition level in different landforms in Yi County of Hebei province

ZHANG Jinguo1,WANG Fengmin2,ZHANG Baozong3,ZHANG Hongjie3,ZHAO Ying3,ZHANG Yan4,ZHANG Yongqiang4,SHI Hongjuan3,LI Yanguang2,HAO Ning3   

  • Received:2016-09-29 Revised:2016-09-29 Online:2014-08-25 Published:2014-08-25

摘要: 目的:了解易县不同地貌饮用水中碘含量及8~10岁儿童碘营养水平,探讨不同地貌区域碘盐干预后的碘营养状况,为制定碘缺乏病防制策略提供依据。方法全县划分为东西南北中5个抽样片区,按5个方位各抽取1个乡镇,在西部及北部山地各抽取1个乡镇,在南部及中部丘陵各抽取1个乡镇,在东部平原抽取1个乡镇。对山地、丘陵、平原3个地貌类型的饮用水碘含量、盐碘含量、8~10岁儿童尿碘水平及甲状腺肿大情况进行调查分析。结果易县山地、丘陵、平原饮用水碘含量均较低,盐碘含量均稍高于现行食用盐标准的盐碘含量,儿童尿碘水平均处在较适宜状态,儿童甲状腺肿大率均在国家《碘缺乏病消除标准》要求的范围内。不同地貌饮用水碘含量比较,差异有统计学意义(HC=80.37, P<0.01);盐碘含量比较,差异无统计学意义(HC=0.24,P>0.05);儿童尿碘水平比较,差异无统计学意义(HC=1.54, P>0.05);儿童甲状腺肿大率比较,差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.22,P>0.05)。结论通过补碘干预,目前易县儿童碘营养处在适宜水平。由于易县不同地貌饮用水碘含量均很低,所以为保障居民碘营养供应,今后应继续采取补碘干预为主的多种干预措施。

关键词: 不同地貌, 水碘, 盐碘, 尿碘, 甲状腺肿大

Abstract: Objective To investigate the iodine content in drinking water and the iodine nutrition level of different landforms and explore the iodine nutrition status in after iodized salt intervention in different landforms to provide scientific basis for the development of prevention strategies to iodine deficiency disorders. Methods The county was divided into five sampling sections according to azimuth (east, west, south, north and center), one town was randomly chosen in every position of the five. Two mountainous townships were respectively randomly chosen in the western and northern, two hilly townships were respectively randomly chosen in the southern and central, one lfat country townships was randomly chosen in the eastern to investigate and analyze the iodine level in drinking water. Salt iodine level, 8-10 year-old children’s urinary iodine level and goiter in the mountains, hills, falt country three landforms were examined. Results Iodine content in the drinking water were low, the salt iodine content was slightly higher than the current standards edible salt iodine content, children’s urinary iodine was at an more appropriate level, children’s goiter were conformed with the national “eliminate the iodine deficiency disorders standards”in mountains, hills and plains. Iodine contents in water were compared among different landforms, the difference was statistically signiifcant (HC=80.37, P<0.01). Salt iodine level was compared among different landforms, the difference was not statistically signiifcant (HC=0.24, P>0.05). Children’s urinary iodine level was compared among different landforms, the difference was not statistically signiifcant (HC=1.54, P>0.05). Children’s goiter rate was compared among different landforms, the difference was not statistically signiifcant (χ2=0.22, P>0.05). Conclusion Children’s iodine nutrition is at an more appropriate level in the current after Iodine intervention in Yi county, however, iodine contents are very low in drinking water in different landforms in Yi county. In order to safeguard the supply of residents iodine nutrition, we should continue to take iodized salt intervention based integrated interventions.

Key words: different landscapes, water iodine, salt iodine, urinary iodine, goiter
