Abstract: Objective To explore the subcellular localization of denticleless protein homolog(DTL)and determine the possible biological role of DTL. Methods The subcellular localization of DTL was detected with immunofluorescence(IF)and immunohistochemistry(IHC). Cell fraction extraction and Western blotting(WB)in a variety of cells and tissues were used to verify. Results It was confirmed the subcellular localization of DTL during mitosis was around chromatin in all cells. In addition, our study firstly found the subcellular localization of DTL in different cells and tissues was also different. DTL was mainly expressed in nucleus in normal cells, normal tissues, sperm cells and mouse spermatocytes, and in cytoplasm in most cancer cells, cancer tissues and spermatogonia. Conclusion The subcellular localization of DTL would change not only in the cell cycle, but also in different types of cells and tissues. DTL has the translocation between cytoplasm and nuclear with cell proliferation and differentiation, suggesting that DTL may play a role in cell proliferation and differentiation by changing subcellular localization.

Key words: denticleless protein homolog, subcellular localization, cell cycle, proliferation, differentiation

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