Medical Reserch and Education ›› 2014, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (1): 33-36.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-490X.2014.01.008

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Retrospective report of clinical characterizations of an Enterobacter cloacae carrying NDM-1 associated with urinary tract infection

CAO Lijun1,YANG Jing2,GENG Fengzhen1,LI Huiqing1,SHI Zheng1,SHI Dongyan3   

  • Received:2016-09-29 Revised:2016-09-29 Online:2014-02-25 Published:2014-02-25

Abstract: Objective A retrospective analysis in terms of clinical characteristics and detection was carried out for a case of Enterobacter cloacae bearing NDM-1 isolated from a urine specimen of an in-patient in our hospital in July 2012. The purpose of this paper was to render suggestions for controlling the epidemic of“superbugs”based on discussions regarding its antibiotic-resistant characterization and mechanism. Methods According to the recommendations of CLSI, susceptibility testing for antibiotics using K-B and MIC methods was performed. Carbapenemase production and its phenotypic were confirmed by modified Hodge test and metal-enzyme test. PCR for detecting and sequencing the antibiotic-resistance gene was also performed. Results This isolate was resistant to 15 antibiotics such as imipenem, meropenem and others which were classiifed into 7 categories. This isolation showed positive for modiifed Hodge test and screening test for detecting metal-enzyme phenotype. The DNA sequence of the isolation amplified by PCR showed 99%similarities comparing with NDM-1 gene cited in Genbank. It was conifrmed as the ifrst report of E. cloacae carrying NDM-1 by the CDC of Heibei Province.Conclusion The NDM-1-producing isolation may be related to the elder patient who was inifrm, catheterized and experienced multi-drug treatments. Therefore, in order to lessen the incidents of multi-drug resistant strain, it is ideal that we should focus on the control over catheterization, the use of antibiotics and taking strict sterilization.

Key words: Enteroba cter cloacae, carbapenems antibiotics, NDM-1 gene detection, retrospective report

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